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Some Tips on Preventing Back Pain

Back pain is something that will happen to most of us at some point, four out of five people will experience it and it is one of the most common reasons that people will visit their GP about.

You can experience back pain in different forms - sometimes it will be like a dull ache or it can be experienced as a sudden sharp pain.

There are many causes, such as injury, herniated discs, nerve impingement, poor posture, muscle weakness or overloading, tension build up in muscles and high stress levels.

If you have had it before and would like to look at ways you can prevent it or have some pain at the moment and would like to find ways to ease it - I have put together some of my top tips for you to integrate into your life.

Tips on how to Prevent and Ease Back Pain

  • Strengthen your core muscles

    This can be a game changer - your lower back supports your upper body - if the core muscles are weak then other surrounding muscles have to work harder to provide support. We rarely engage these muscles during our everyday activities and sitting or standing for long periods can be particularly stressful on our body, if our core muscles are strong and fit with endurance they will ‘hold you up’ against gravity, our posture will improve and you will be less likely to experience pain and discomfort.

  • Stretch daily

    Muscles can get contracted and tight - they can then put added stress on your spine and joints - getting into the habit of doing a simple stretching routine can be really beneficial in helping the muscles to lengthen and release tension - time to get the yoga mat out!

  • Avoid sitting with poor posture

    Sitting for long periods often can’t be avoided, especially if you work at a desk. Trying to get into the habit of being aware of how you are sitting and if you are slouching and then correcting it. Ensure you are taking breaks from sitting every 30 minutes or so - get up walk about for 5 minutes, maybe do a few stretches. Ensure you have good back support in the chair that you are sitting in.

  • Take walks

    Walking is a great way to keep the mobility and range of motion in the lower joints. It engages the muscles around the lower back. There is a good amount of research to show that regular 20 min walks are effective at helping and preventing back pain.

  • Lift correctly

    A common reason for sudden on-set of back pain is due to not using proper body mechanics when lifting heavy objects. Feet should be shoulder width apart - Bend at hips and knees (not the back) - Posture upright with chest out and shoulders back - squat ate hips and knees when setting the item down.

  • Reduce pressure on your back when you sleep

    If you are a back sleeper, you can place a pillow under your knees to help relieve back discomfort. If you sleep on your side you can place a pillow between your knees.

  • If desk working, ensure your work station is set up correctly

    It is super important to consider your work station ergonomics when desk working. Here is a quick video to give an overview of what you can do to help prevent back pain.

    Desk Set Up To Prevent Back Pain

  • Limit Laptop Use (if possible or have it set up for good posture)

    I still hear of a lot of people using a laptop as their main computer for work. I highly recommend having a seperate wireless keyboard and mouse and raising your laptop up with a stand or some books to eye level - here is a quick video showing you the set up. If you want to stand and work you still need to ensure the screen is at eye level and the keyboard is high enough that your elbow joint is at a 90 degree angle.

    Laptop Set Up to Prevent Back Pain

  • Pick the right bag

    Having a large shoulder bag can cause your shoulder muscles to clench, and if heavy can put the distribution of weight off balance - which can result in back and shoulder pain. If you use this type of bag, it can help to swap shoulders regularly and ensure it is not very heavy. A cross body bag is better for distributing weight across the body, and again good to swap shoulders. A backpack type bag is a good option as it distributes the weight across both shoulders, and usually have straps that are adjustable for your comfort.