Floral & Flow - Hormone Balancing Herbal Tea

Floral & Flow - Hormone Balancing Herbal Tea


Promote Hormone Balance and enhance fertility with Floral & Flow Fertili-Tea Herbal Tea Blend

A delicate blend of organic herbs that promotes a good quality period, ovulation & conception.

The tea is freshly hand-blended to order and made with organic herbs

Spearmint Leaf: Studies on spearmint have shown that it can help to decrease male hormones like testosterone and at the same time help boost female hormones that are necessary for healthy ovulation - Luteinizing Hormone (LH), Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Estradiol. It has also shown to help decrease excess androgen production ( sometimes responsible for painful menstruation)

Oatstraw & Milky Oat Tops: Nutrients and Mineral Rich - especially high in silicon, which is beneficial for skin, hair, nails, and bone health. It is also a good source of caclium, zinc, B vitamins, magnesium, iron, vitamin A, and protein. Has a calming effect on the nervous system & balances the endocrine system (the system responsible for producing hormones)

Red Raspberry Leaf: Contains vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to the immune system, and cellular processes. High in Anti-oxidants. Toning and relaxing of the uterine muscles. Some research has shown it may help to decrease complications during childbirth. May help to strengthen uterine muscles and help prevent any pregnancy complications such as eclampsia.

Rose Petals: Soothing and can help alleviate mood swings, irritability, and Pre-Menstrual Symptoms, also may help to regulate the menstrual cycle

Alfalfa Leaf: High in vitamins, minerals, especially Vitamin K. A powerful tonic to help prepare the body for pregnancy and to remove toxins from the body.

Chamomile: Studies have shown that Chamomile helps to ease muscle cramps. It can relieve headaches and promotes relaxation. It is also known to help with hormonal imbalances.

Nettle: Packed with Chlorophyll and a source of folate. May help in combating fatigue and is rich in minerals. It may help reduce heavy bleeding and replace lost iron, can help with skin and hormonal acne. It may also be beneficial in regulating blood sugar.

Dandelion leaf: Dandelion is a very nutritive herb. A blood purifier that helps to nourish and detoxify the blood. This herb also boosts the liver and aids in hormonal balance.

Infuse a heaped teaspoon in boiling water for approx 4 minutes

2-3 cups per day recommended for the therapeutic benefits - pack can make approx 35 cups

This blend isn't recommended during pregnancy - please see my other listing for a pregnancy supporting blend.

Medical disclaimer

The content of this listing is not intended to be a substitute of professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or a herbal product you plan to use.

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